Friday, September 17, 2021

Striving For The Kind Of Deeply Held, Cherished, and Yearned For Authenticity That Has Been Meaningful To Me My Whole Life

 If it's not time for those of us who are senior citizens to come to grips with our true authenticity, when IS the 'correct moment'? The clock is ticking and the hour glass of years is slipping away. It's 'more than time' to BE, with a whole heart, who we have known ourselves to be all our lives...but have often been so filled with shame or foreboding to adequately fulfill the 'destiny' that we knew, in our heart of hearts, is 'our truth'.

Forlorn has logical limits, and frankly has only ever brought most of us traumatic grief. The 'time is right' to move beyond our doubts and BE A HUMAN, with all its problems, challenges, and joys on full display. I know that well as a Two-Spirit being who has struggled my whole life with the comfortable expression of my complete Self. The moment of sincere courage is upon me.